Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Until Next Time, California

Every time I visit California I come up with a long list of things I'd like to do, but always run out of time or get occupied with other things. At the top of the list (besides spending time with family) was visiting all of my favorite restaurants. I was able to visit all but two. Can someone from Eureka please overnight me a Slug from Los Bagels and the Vegetarian Roll from Tomo? Ok, thanks.

Also on the list of things I accomplished while in Eureka was a shopping trip with my mom to the newly opened T.J. Maxx (I bought the cutest hat EVER), a lunch date to McDonalds with my sweet nephews, Hunter and Asher, watching my little brother's football game (he scored a touch down), and going to the movies with my parents. Sadly, I didn't make it to the beach or have time to catch up with old friends, but it was a great trip.

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