Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Bucket List

One of my favorite fall delicacies is apple cider doughnuts and fresh apple cider. One day I will have my own apple tree(s) and juice press so I can make my own cider, but until that day arrives, I will continue buying it from the grocery store.

I was first introduced to apple cider doughnuts three years ago at Cold Hollow Cider Mill in Vermont and haven't been able to find them in Utah since. It is safe to say I will be experimenting with this little recipe over the weekend.

Besides enjoying doughnuts and apple cider, Hector and I hope to drive the Alpine Loop, visit Cornbelly's and The Crater at Homestead Resort, take the moonlight chairlift ride at Sundance, and maybe even visit a haunted house or two!


Scott & Ali said...

LOVE the new blog look. Can I copy?????


Thanks sees! I can't tell whether or not you are being sarcastic, but feel free to copy!